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media event 重大新聞事件〔為促使新聞媒介予以廣泛報道而安排的宣傳活動...

media hack

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京(法新社) ?中國國家電視臺一位頂級體育主持人妻子在一個奧運媒體活動中公開指責其夫有通奸行為,此事一出,不僅搞砸了這個活動,更引發了一場博客群的軒然大波。

The decision by the organisers , ukip media events , to bring the show into hong kong , reflects the huge significance of the rapidly expanding airline business in china and the asia pacific region 主辦機構ukipmedia & events決定將飛機室內設計及設備展帶到亞洲,并選擇香港作為展出城市,證明中國內地及亞太區航空業的迅速發展得到世界各地業界的注視。

Before this media event , news also surfaced about the troubles the film was supposedly facing : delays caused by bad weather , a busted budget , lee ' s unhappiness over inexperienced actor wang 早在此次媒體見面會之前,就有新聞預測了電影拍攝期間可能會遇到的麻煩:比如惡劣天氣影響拍攝進度.超額的預算以及李安對表演經驗不足的王力宏可能會產生不滿情緒。

It is necessary for different media to combine harmoniously together to accomplish significant data flow during applications . we also put forward the conceptions of media event and multimedia presentation in this paper 在現實的應用中,來自不同媒體的狀態需要有機地結合起來,以便完成有意義的數據流,我們提出了媒體事件、多媒體表示的概念。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京( ) -中國國家電視臺一位體育節目優秀主持人的妻子當眾職責其丈夫的出軌行為,擾亂了奧林匹克媒體發布會,在眾多新媒體中引起了不小的反響。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 中國國家電視臺的一位頂級運動節目播音員的妻子因打斷了奧林匹克的一項活動而給博客世界帶來了話題在活動上向公眾宣布她丈夫的通奸事件。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京( afp )中國國家電視臺的一位頂級體育節目主持人的妻子大鬧奧運發布會,當眾指責他丈夫的不軌行為,這件事在博客圈內引起了一陣轟動。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京(法新社) - - -中國國家電視臺一頂級體育主播的妻子通過在奧運媒體發布會上的舉動- - -公開指責其丈夫的出軌行為,在博客圈內引起騷動。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京(法新社) - -央視一個頂級體育主持人的妻子在奧運媒體活動中公然指責其丈夫通奸,此事不僅把此次活動搞砸,還在博客群引起一陣轟動。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京(法新社) ? ?中國國家電視臺一位體育節目主持人的妻子搞砸一場奧運媒體會議,指責其丈夫有通奸行為,在博客圈內引起一陣騷動。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京( afp )中國國家電視臺高級體育節目主持人的妻子在一次奧運媒體活動中譴責了她丈夫的通奸行為,此事在博客圈內引起轟動。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京(法新社) ? ?央視出色的體育新聞主持人之妻在一次奧林匹克媒體發布會上當眾譴責丈夫通奸,這件事在博克圈內引起一片嘩然。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京法新社? ?中國國家電視臺一位名嘴的妻子公開指責丈夫的出軌行為,這搞砸了一場奧運媒體盛事,也在博客圈中引起了軒然大波。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 法新社北京報道? ?中國國家電視臺體育節目頂級主持人的妻子大鬧奧運新聞發布會,公開指責其丈夫有不忠行為,在博客圈引發熱議。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京( afp ) -中國國家電視臺體育頻道的一個重要主持人(臺柱子)的老婆在奧運媒體的活動上制造混亂,她公開指責其丈夫的不忠。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京( afp ) - - -中國國家電視塔一位高級主播的妻子在一次奧運會發布會上公開指責其丈夫的不忠行為,在博客圈中引起了轟動。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 北京- -一名優秀的央視體育節目主持人的妻子以破壞了一檔直播奧運項目的方式在博客圈引起騷動- -她公開指控她的丈夫通奸

Mr tony robinson , managing director of ukip media events says “ at present for the show in hamburg , airlines from asia can only afford to send small delegations Ukipmedia & events的董事總經理羅便臣先生( mrtonyrobinson ) ? :亞洲的航空公司礙于資源關系,只能派一至兩名行政人員到漢堡出席飛機室內設計及設備展。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to publicly accuse her husband of adultery 法新社北京電-中國國家電視臺一位知名體育主持人的妻子在一個奧運媒體儀式上公開指責她丈夫出軌,引起了不小的波瀾。